Overthinking overthinking my love life
How I interpret online apartment reviews
Venerable voracious curiosity
Long posts
Knowledge hoarding: "I might need to know that someday"
Challenging vs. threatening?
Sounds I don't need to know, but want to
My piece-by-piece scenes rarely work, but that's okay, and planning might help
Bouncing off books
Overly detailed summaries are worse than none
Making desire paths means finding cheap ways of acting on velleities
A feeling: I've solved this problem before, haven't I?
Experiment idea: Not-a-letter to a friend
Too many books
Walking a dog on schedule vs. on-demand
Hiatus until 11/03
"Art is a support for life"
Places to find the OBD-II scanner port
Watch later
The process of looking for a used car
How to shuffle cards well when you never shuffle cards
It is sometimes good to say obvious things
If you always follow some advice, you'll never experience why (or whether) it's good advice
The accommodater vs. the accommodated
Failure modes of concrete vs. abstract goals
What does it mean to "show up with cookies"?
What to watch next, part 2/n
To plan or not to plan what to watch next?
Hours is a long time
Background noise
You have permission to be bad at things
The worst part of planning is finding the will to start
The benefit of "slacker monk mindset"
"Don't get involved"
Yuppie Psycho's delightful Mr. Swery
Ghost stories come with a paranoid aftertaste
There's an index now
Does fixed-point futurism make sense?
Bucket fill
What's in a username?
resisting impressiveness
The desk
Making writing hard
Getting feedback
Suggestions vs. advice
Take seriously but not authoritatively
Too deep