1 min read

What does it mean to "show up with cookies"?

Thinking about a Jacob Falkovich tweet from June. He wrote:

(June 19th)

but, a note to the lurkers: I was welcomed not unconditionally, but rather given space to work my way up and invest and prove my value to the community over the years you're welcome when you show up, but you don't get a cookie for just showing up
(June 21st)

the point of the previous tweet is that people like you more if you show up with cookies

Literally showing up with cookies seems like a great idea, but it's not my forte. Surely there are other ways of contributing. What else could it mean to "show up with cookies"? Some ideas:

  1. At a party, bringing a game to play. That could be a physical game, like a board game or a card game or a dart board. It could also mean, say, facilitating an authentic relating game. Or it could mean running Jackbox sessions for people.
  2. Also at a party, bringing some kind of music setup.
  3. Similar note: Being the first one to, say, get on the dance floor.
  4. Offer to organize cleanup for someone else's thing. Get volunteers to help clean up trash.
  5. Doesn't seem to fit in a party, but GMing/DMing seems to fit this niche.
  6. Also RPG: Getting silly into your role in a way that's fun to watch. Could also apply to other kinds of performance.
  7. Cosplay clerics.
  8. Running writing (critique) groups, workshops, etc.

My read of the spirit of this is generally doing things that facilitate other people having a good time. (So, concurring with lamboghinius?) This is work.