I hate e-mail capture
Using meta tensors to load models that don't fit in memory
Confused stances? of submission and rebellion
Viewing utterances as open invitations
Zagreus is named in ancient Greek plays
Drawing of the Three's minor characters
Yuppie Psycho has ~good endings, but no Good Ending
Recurring themes in Yuppie Psycho
What is witch paper?
Yuppie Psycho's delightful Mr. Swery
Ghost stories come with a paranoid aftertaste
Second thoughts on Hades
First thoughts on Hades
Building a shaman-occultist in Grim Dawn
Grim Dawn: What does Mogdrogen's Pact do?
Running out the clock?
Idea: Merging the branches
I wrote the hard part first; now what?
How do want and emotional need relate in fiction writing?
Examples of relative clauses, restrictive, nonrestrictive, appositive, and participial
A first draft should make sense?
Idea: Plan possibilities
Idea: Plan a story's pathos as much as its logos
Convincing myself I didn't like it
Idea: Plan in relation to a specific story that you like
Idea: Write the interesting parts first
Write characters better with an emotional needs image board
Creating a single continuous passage in Twine
Revisiting Strunk and White (parts 1 and 2)
There's an index now
Does fixed-point futurism make sense?
Ways to tell a "wide-angle" story
Writing straight through works for getting words down on an interactive story
Draft an interactive story by writing straight through, then splitting
Blogging as a complex contagion
Measuring the mutual density of a followership
"Very online"
Lesbian crocodile tamer
Event horizons in worldbuilding: Worm
Organizing a scene around food
Night Watch is dark—and funny
Why are there no programming checklists?
Content and prompt
Counting words with Powershell
Tkinter quick reference
Prompts are everywhere
Prompts that go stale
Destroying information to create it