1 min read

Practical problems

Continuing to think about "There are no spiritual problems..." The other confusion is the discussion of problems:

There are no spiritual problems; but there are real problems. Small ones like dirty dishes in the sink, and big ones like global warming.


Spaciousness implies that you are open to everything in the world. You don’t get finicky about “this aspect is spiritually bad; it’s impure, so I’ll avoid it.”

Spaciousness implies that you allow everything in the world to be as it is. You don’t think “this is wrong, it should be some other way.” You accept all outcomes—including disasters—as just how things are.


Problems are not a problem. A problem is a species of opportunity: a chance to act to make things better than they would be otherwise.  The world is full of opportunities. It is rich with resources for improvisation, for creativity, for caring, for connection.

This idea of "better than they would be otherwise" is tricky. For it to make sense one must not interpret the way things would be "otherwise" as being "wrong." That's fine.

But what about the "it should be some other way"? I guess one could resolve it by saying that "better than they would be otherwise" is not a way that things should be. Obviously in this context it's not a way things should be in any absolute sense. But by orienting toward it, aren't you implicitly orienting to it as a way things should be? And how does this relate to an idea of "impure"? I'm not sure.