Things I learned calling shm_open() on a Mac
Lessons learned from battling Godot 3 for twelve hours
Beware map indexing in C++
Eval game rule 10
You could have invented PEM encoding
Why Nginx needs the SSL certificate with chain, not just the bare certificate
How to get the x-axis of an Excel scatter chart programmatically
A structure I'm experimenting with for spreadsheet-generating Python code
TDD doesn't mean test every function?
Too few or too many functions make dreadful code
Pandas .memory_usage() underreports usage for string-heavy DFs?
Thunks in Python
Distinguishing abstract lifetimes from concrete lifetimes in Rust
Why people use e-mailing services
Going down the branchless FizzBuzz rabbit hole in APL
The OpenFHE API in a nutshell
Using meta tensors to load models that don't fit in memory
Creating a single continuous passage in Twine
Why are there no programming checklists?
Counting words with Powershell
Tkinter quick reference
Things that LSP can do
How Logseq handles file name restrictions
Reproducible Excel files
gsDesign sample sizes
Testing Angular components
Error handling
Species of code
A-Frame pattern: Why the app/infrastructure split?
Free-standing functions and testing
Spoiler text in Ghost
What is HMAC good for vs. public key cryptography? (question only)
"There must be a better way to do this"
Updating an old conda for Manim
The (de)serialization problem
Subnormal floating point numbers
Why floating point numbers don't form a ring
Unicode surrogates and exponential growth
Social phenomena surrounding software
Standard-safe arithmetic shift right in C